Benvingut a Fun and Learn
tot un món al teu abast!
English Day Camp in Osona
Place: Can Ton Xic, Tavèrnoles (Osona)
Dates: 30/06/2025 hasta el 01/8/25
Ages: from 4 to 12 years old
DATES: from June 25th until August 2nd 2024
SCHEDULE: from 9:00 to 13:00 or from 9:00 to 15:00, from or 9:00 to 16:00
AGES: 3 groups: 3 to 13 years old
LOCATION: Community Center (Pavelló municipal de Golmés)
LUNCH: packed lunch
Overnight and day camps
Pedraforca & Vilanova de Sau
USA, UK, Ireland
Golmés, Vic, Torelló
Summer camps of excellence in Spain and in the USA
The experience of a life time
Since 2001 educating for a better world. Language immersion makes learning a new language easy and fun.
What do the campers say?
Les nostres millors recomanacions
Your child is the camper so let him or her pack his or her backpack. From Fun and Learn you will receive a list of items according to the program your camper will join. We suggest that you with your camper decide what items to take and place everything on a table or bed. Then write together a shopping list for camping items that you are missing, do the shopping together and once you have all your camper will need let him/her put things inside the backpack or suitcase. Your advice may be helpful for your camper but notice that he/she will not be with you once he/she joins the camp and he/she should be able to remember and organize his/her items on his/her own.